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Кофе — напиток, вобравший в себя энергию и силу нашей величественной земли. Земли, которую стоит увидеть своими глазами. Приглашаем вас в гости на нашу семейную ферму Pachamama.

Здесь вы сможете насладиться тишиной и покоем первозданной природы, зарядиться ее силой и мудростью. Вы окунетесь в колорит сельской жизни, узнаете все о культивировании и производстве лучшего в мире кофе, поучаствуете в сборе урожая и приготовите себе чашку этого живительного напитка.

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Rubi and Gabriel are extremely welcoming and their farm and entire family are just lovely. We enjoyed the nighttime tour of the property - "listen to this" , "touch this" in complete darkness was a truly special experience. Hearing Gabriel talk about his biodiverse approach to coffee farming, you can tell how passionate he is about it. If only more people in the world thought and acted like Gabriel and Rubi! Thank you so very much and sorry again for having to rush off to make a meeting in our next destination... we would have loved to spend more time with you!

Германия, г. Фрайбург

Words cannot express how charming and welcoming Gabriel and Rubi are. They embody all that exists in a good host and bosom friend. Right away they welcomed us with open arms and flowers and fruit from their garden. They showed us around their beautiful farm and taught us all about the importance of biodiversity and natural farming. This experience was priceless and I wish I could stay longer. We will always cherish these dear people and hope others can experience their kindness as well. Muchas gracias dear ones!!

Калифорния, г. Сан-Диего

Hermosa finca y gran hospitalidad de Rubi, Gabriel y toda su familia. No tiene los mejores lujos y comodidades pero es la forma de conocer mejor el estilo de vida de las fincas colombianas. Quiero volver!!

г. Мехико, Мексика

This place is a gem, the whole family is super friendly, helpful and you will learn a lot about the surrounding nature and the whole coffee making process. The room is nice, clean and you will have to stay at least three days just to explore everything! Thank you for a wonderful time!

г. Штутгарт, Германия